About Vipin Choudhary
Vipin lives with his mother, father, and two brothers, Nitesh and Nitin. They live in a very small, poor village in Central India. Their home is a one-room mud hut near a river. His father is a tailor. Vipin helps his mother by gathering wood and cow pies to cook on, fetching water from the village well over 500 meters away, and watching his younger brothers.
Vipin hopes one day to be an Engineer or a village preacher. He enjoys reading and drawing and playing Badminton with his friends. His family's diet is very modest, consisting of dal, white rice, and chapati, an Indian flatbread. On very special occasions, his dad might catch a fish or they will kill a chicken and enjoy chicken curry.
Please pray for Vipin and his family, they are first-generation Christians and often face persecution. They enjoy praying together and reading their Bible every day. They also attend their small village church every time the doors are open. Your sponsorship provides education to Vipin, along with school supplies, lunch, uniform, shoes, and other basic needs.
Thank you for bringing Hope, Dignity, and a Future to Vipin!