Every Child Deserves Hope, Dignity, and a Future…

Sponsor a Child Today!

Asha Project

Asha is the Hindi word for “hope.” The mission of the Asha Project is to bring hope, dignity, and a better future to children living in impoverished villages.
Your sponsorship of $45 per month provides your child with quality educational services six days per week, school supplies, books, uniforms, lunch, health care, and winter clothes.

Mercy Home

The Mercy Home provides a full-time safe home for young girls and boys rescued out of difficult and dangerous situations. Your sponsorship of $100 per month provides your child with quality education, school supplies and uniforms, nutritious meals, medical care, counseling, and practical life skills. Through your sponsorship, your child’s life will be forever changed.

College Scholarship

College Scholarships provide continued education for the children of Mid India Child. Many of our children dream of becoming a nurse, an engineer, or a teacher, now with your monthly scholarship their dream can come true. Receiving a college education equips them with the tools and the opportunity needed to return to their home villages and make an impact. Your sponsorship includes their college tuition, books, rooms and board, uniforms, and medical care.

Support Our Mid India Child Ministry

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