Uma Devi

ID #: MH0129-JP

21 yrs | Girl | Mercy Home

Birthday: January 14, 2004

For only 

$100.00 / month

 you can give this child hope, dignity, and a future.

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About Uma Devi

NOTE: Uma Devi is Graduating from High School and the Mercy Home in May of 2022! She is going to Nursing College! (College ID # CL0059-DM)

– 5/2022 – FAILED 12 Grade Exams.

– 2/2023 – Child failed 12th-grade makeup exams repeatedly and stopped coming – Archived.


Uma comes from a small village in Central India. Her family lives in a small mud-plastered hut sharing it with their chickens and goats. Before coming to live at the Mercy Home, Uma spent her days caring for the goats and chickens and collecting milk and eggs to sell. A lack of economic and educational opportunities in their remote village prevents Uma's family from pursuing more prosperous opportunities. Corruption and mismanagement in the Indian public school system also keep Uma and her brother and two sisters from getting a quality education.

As first-generation Christians, Uma's parents prayed that God would provide the means to a more hopeful future for their children. Their prayers were answered through the Mercy Home. Now living at the Mercy Home, Uma attends a quality school where she is learning academic skills and tangible life skills. Each semester, Uma has the opportunity to participate in dance and choir shows with her fellow Mercy Home students. She also enjoys playing Kho-Kho, an active Indian outdoor game. Most importantly, Uma gets to attend church weekly and participate in daily Bible study and prayer. Under the mentorship of dedicated, mature Christians, Uma is growing in the knowledge and wisdom of Christ.

Thank you for providing Hope, Dignity, and a Future to Uma!

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