Taru Lal

ID #: AH0365-UD

14 yrs | Boy | Asha Project

Birthday: March 31, 2010

Waiting for: 857 days

For only 

$35.00 / month

 you can give this child hope, dignity, and a future.

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About Taru Lal

Taru has three brothers and one sister. His father is a farmer and his mother is a housewife. They live in a small mud-hut in a very remote village in West India. There is no electricity or running water in this village. The climate in this village is hot and dry. This area also experiences drought seasons. The village is located in a mountainous area with many wild animals such as snakes, leopards, and jackals.

Taru helps his parents with household chores. He says that when he grows up he would like to be a plumber. His favorite colors are yellow and pink. He likes to eat rice, lentils, and fish. In his spare time likes to play cricket with his friends. Taru is grateful to God for helping him to survive a snake bite!

Thank you for helping to provide Hope, Dignity, and a Future to Taru!

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