Samita Aadiwasi

ID #: MH1035-DM

17 yrs | Girl | Mercy Home

Birthday: June 3, 2007

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$100.00 / month

 you can give this child hope, dignity, and a future.

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About Samita Aadiwasi

Samita Aadiwasi – Graduating 2025

Samita comes from a poor tribal village located deep in the Indian jungle. Her family's self-made mud hut has neither electricity nor running water. Samita's parents work as unskilled laborers to provide for their big family. Samita's ancestors received the gospel from Indian missionaries, and her family claims the name of Christ. However, limited by their illiteracy and without a Christian teacher to lead their village, they struggle to grow in spiritual maturity. Despite having only a first-grade education, her father serves as their small congregation's preacher because he remembers a lot of the stories and verses from the Bible.

Recognizing the lack of academic and spiritual guidance in their children's lives, Samita's parents sought out the Mercy Home to provide help. Now, Samita and four of her siblings, Savita, Saresh, Sahish, and Ashish, have the opportunity to transform their futures. Through the instruction of dedicated teachers, Samita is learning to read and write. Inspired by her new mentors, she aspires to be a teacher herself. Samita has a passionate and fun personality. In her spare time, she enjoys playing active games, like badminton and Tipu, with her friends. She also loves learning new songs during music lessons. Her favorite foods are dhal (lentils), chapatti (bread), and mutton.

Thank you for helping provide Hope, Dignity, and a Future to Samita!

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