Raja Vijay Barelal

ID #: AH0226-RD

25 yrs | Boy | Asha Project

Birthday: April 4, 1999

For only 

$350.00 / month

 you can give this child hope, dignity, and a future.

I've been sponsored!


About Raja Vijay Barelal

Raja comes from a large family. He lives with his parents, 2 brothers and 2 sisters in a mud house in a small village in Central India. His father is a laborer and his mother is a housewife.

Raja is excited to be a part of the Asha Project. Here he will receive an education, a school uniform, books and a book bag. He wishes to become a doctor. Raja is interested in drawing and enjoys acting in the Christmas drama.  He also enjoys playing soccer and cricket.

Raja and his family attend church every weekend. In his youth group, he takes part in Bible reading, participating in Bible quizzes, and he loves to learn verses from the New Testament.

Thank you for bringing Hope, Dignity and a Future to Raja!

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