Neha Sonwani

ID #: MH0168-JP

17 yrs | Girl | Mercy Home

Birthday: September 22, 2007

For only 

$100.00 / month

 you can give this child hope, dignity, and a future.

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About Neha Sonwani

Hi, my name is Neha and I came from a poor village in Central India. My parents are unskilled laborers. They love the Lord and are very active in their local church. I was able to go to school in my village through Middle School. Unfortunately, the next closest High School is located in another village over 5 miles away. Due to the long walk, my family worried about my safety. Through our pastor, we learned about a beautiful home for girls called The Mercy Home which has an excellent school located right there. After applying for admittance, I was thrilled to learn that I was accepted. I have been praying hard for this amazing opportunity and am so blessed that I am here! God is so good!

Someday I dream of being a nurse where I can help hurt and suffering people in and around my village. I love to sing, read, and draw. I like to play soccer and carom (an Indian board game) and I like all kinds of food.

Thank you for your love, your prayers, and your generosity. Without you, my life could not have changed for the better. Now I am living my dream because of you! God bless you and thank you for providing me with hope, dignity, and a future!

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