Deepika Kewat

ID #: MH0120-JP

20 yrs | Girl | Mercy Home

Birthday: February 11, 2004

For only 

$100.00 / month

 you can give this child hope, dignity, and a future.

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About Deepika Kewat

Deepika comes from a poor Hindu family. A couple of years ago, her mother passed away, leaving Deepika and her father alone. The father worked long hours as a poor laborer and was unable to properly care for his young daughter. In an effort to improve their situation, her father remarried. Tragically, the step-mother had no interest in caring for Deepika; instead, she treated her like a servant. Deepika was forced to do all the household chores and take care of her step-siblings. Eventually, the step-mother forced Deepika to quit school so she could keep up with all the housework.

Despite the setbacks of her tragic situation, Deepika dreamed of finishing her education and becoming a nurse. After talking to her father and her school teacher about her desire to learn, she heard about the opportunity provided by the Mercy Home. Deepika was able to move out of the hostile environment of her house and into the loving, safe environment of the Mercy Home. In addition to receiving an academic education, Deepika is also learning about the gospel of Jesus. The fear and hopelessness of her former situation have been exchanged for Hope and a Future. When she is not busy studying, Deepika loves to play Carom and dance with her new friends.

Thank you for helping provide Hope, Dignity and a Future to Deepika!

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