Ashish Dhoolsingh Bhil

ID #: MB0005-DM

16 yrs | Boy | Mercy Home

Birthday: January 1, 2008

Waiting for: 778 days

For only 

$100.00 / month

 you can give this child hope, dignity, and a future.

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About Ashish Dhoolsingh Bhil

Ashish comes from a poor tribal village located deep in the Indian jungle. His family's self-made mud hut has neither electricity nor running water. Ashish's parents work as unskilled laborers to provide for their big family. The isolated location of the village makes it very challenging for Ashish and his siblings to attend school, leaving them trapped in the dangerous cycle of poverty. Ashish comes from a family of dedicated Christians. Despite having only a first-grade education, his father serves as their small congregation's preacher by reciting the Bible stories and verses from memory.

Recognizing the value of education, Ashish's parents prayed that God would provide their children a way to rise above their circumstances. The answer to their prayer came through the Mercy Home. Ashish and four of his siblings, Saresh, Sahish, Savita, and Samita, were given the opportunity to gain a valuable academic education. Ashish aspires to one day be an engineer. Most importantly, Ashish is growing in his knowledge of the Bible and his relationship with Christ. In his spare time, Ashish enjoys playing active games like cricket and carom with his friends. His favorite foods are chicken, lamb, and rice.

Thank you for providing Hope, Dignity, and a Future to Ashish!

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