Alishba Chaudhary

ID #: CL0105-SU

17 yrs | Girl | College

Birthday: March 31, 2007

For only 

$200.00 / month

 you can give this child hope, dignity, and a future.

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About Alishba Chaudhary

Dear Sponsor,

Greetings in Christ Jesus from India

This is a very sad and also exciting juncture of my life as I will say good by to our beautiful Mercy Home facility and people here which haves moulded my life in the right direction to step up and go for my dream carrier training to a strange college away from here! I don’t know what the future hold for me but I know who holds the future and I trust Him.

I am so grateful to you for giving me this opportunity to live my life fully and go to one of the best school of this region.

My father is paralyzed and mother works as labor sometimes because of family situation or otherwise she doesn’t get job everyday so we live poorly in a small village called Natwar. She couldn’t afford my education but she didn’t want me to end up being in the same situation like her so she seeked guidance and help from the mission and by the grace of God I was chosen for the MIC residential wholestic care program. Much thanks to you for choosing me and providing for my every big and small needs. God bless you. I pray to God and thank Him for you and your family. I lived here since 9th grade and now I am writing my final graduation paper of 12th grade.

I have worked hard and here we also get additional tuition from expert teachers after our regular school so I hope to pass the exams with good grades.

I want to become a registered Nurse to help the suffering people my dad and also relieve my mom from her financial burden I can’t do it on my own so I again depend on the loving generosity of God’s chosen people will you help me?

May God bless you many fold. God filled your life with happiness and peace. Thank you once again for everything.

your’s Sincerely

Alishiba Choudhary

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