Tulsi Ram

ID #: OL0019

41 yrs | Boy | Oasis of Love

Birthday: July 1, 1983

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$50.00 / month

 you can give this child hope, dignity, and a future.

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About Tulsi Ram

Tulsi is lame in both legs but, despite this, he is able to come to school in his hand-operated tricycle. He has been studying at our school for the past seven years. He is very good at crafts and makes many things like paper fans and magic. He has learned how to make beautiful purses using thrown away chip bags. Tulsi loves picnics. He is a very loving boy, but he comes from a very poor family. He was very happy and thankful to receive a new uniform, shoes, socks, and a school bag. Please pray for him and support him so he may have a better future.

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