Ritika Devi Masram

ID #: AH3815-AB

11 yrs | Girl | Asha Project

Birthday: March 25, 2013

For only 

$35.00 / month

 you can give this child hope, dignity, and a future.

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About Ritika Devi Masram

Ritika lives with her mother and father and her brother in a one-room mud hut. They live in a very small, poor village in Central India. Her father is a farmer and her mother is a homemaker. Ritika likes to help her momma with household chores such as tending the garden, hand washing the dishes, collecting firewood for her momma to cook on, and walking to the village well to collect water in jugs for all cooking and cleaning.

Ritika dreams of being a nurse someday and being able to help the people in her village. She loves to sing and dance, and really enjoys when the older children read her a book. She is looking forward to learning to read at school. She likes to play an Indian game called Kho-kho with her friends. Her family eats very simple food which consists of dal (lentils), white rice, and chapati (flat Indian bread). On very special occasions, they will kill a chicken and enjoy chicken curry.

Please pray for Ritika, her family, and her village as they are generations old Hindus. We pray that the entire village will come to know the Lord. This is only possible through generous sponsors like yourself. Thank you for providing Hope, Dignity, and a Future for Ritika.

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