Nirjala Dhuliya

ID #: AH3824-AB

12 yrs | Girl | Asha Project

Birthday: July 11, 2012

Waiting for: 525 days

For only 

$45.00 / month

 you can give this child hope, dignity, and a future.

In stock


About Nirjala Dhuliya

Nirjala lives with her parents, one brother, and one sister in a very poor remote village in Central India. Their house is a small one-room mud hut. Her father is a farmer and her mother a housewife. Nirjala loves to help her momma with chores. She will help handwash dishes, tend the garden, collect wood for her momma to use to cook on, and walk with her to the village well to collect water for all their daily needs.

Nirjala dreams of being a nurse someday. She loves to sing, dance, and read. She is looking forward to when she learns to read in school. Nirjala also enjoys playing volleyball and cricket with the village children. Her family eats very simple meals that consist of dal, white rice, and chapati. On special occasions, they will kill a chicken and enjoy chicken curry. Or once in a while, their dad will catch a fish - that is always exciting!

Please pray for Nirjala, her family, and her village; they are generations-old Hindus, and our prayer is that the entire village will come to know the Lord.

Thank you for providing Hope, Dignity, and a Future to Nirjala!

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