Nikhil Kumar Lodhi

ID #: AH2298-AL

12 yrs | Boy | Asha Project

Birthday: June 1, 2012

For only 

$35.00 / month

 you can give this child hope, dignity, and a future.

I've been sponsored!


About Nikhil Kumar Lodhi

Nikhil lives with his parents, his brother Ghanshyam, and his sister Kamni in a small mud hut. They live in a poor village in the jungles of Northern India. Their mother is a homemaker and their father is a low wage laborer. Nikhil enjoys being a big help to his mother by gathering firewood and cow pies for her to use to cook on, he helps tend their garden, hand wash dishes, and walks with his mom to the village well to help carry jugs of water for their daily cooking and cleaning.

Nikhil dreams of being a lawyer one day and helping his downtrodden people due to their low caste. In his spare time, he enjoys drawing and playing badminton with his friends. His family survives on a very modest diet of dal (lentils) and white rice, some vegetables, and Indian flatbread.

Please pray for Nikhil, his family, and his village; they are generations old Hindus and we pray that the entire village will come to know the Lord. Your monthly gift will provide schooling, a good lunch, school supplies, shoes, and other basic needs. Thank you for providing Hope, Dignity, and a Future to Nikhil!

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