Mohini Rambabu

ID #: AH2225-AL

17 yrs | Girl | Asha Project

Birthday: January 1, 2007

For only 

$35.00 / month

 you can give this child hope, dignity, and a future.

I've been sponsored!


About Mohini Rambabu

Mohini comes from a small village in Northern India. She lives with her parents, grandparents, brother, and sister in a small mud-hut without electricity or running water. To cook their meals, the family burns cow pies. Dal, rice, vegetarian dishes, and chapatti are some of her favorite foods. Mohini helps with the household chores by collecting water from the well near their home and by taking care of her younger siblings. In her spare time, Mohini enjoys dancing, singing, and playing board games.

Sadly, Mohini's father is an alcoholic who often skips work and spends much of the family's money to feed his habit. To support her family, Mohini's mother works unstable jobs as a laborer. At times, she is forced to resort to begging to feed her children. It is often necessary for Mohini to skip school in order to work in the fields or beg alongside her mother. Despite these disadvantages, Mohini dreams of rising above her situation by finishing her education to become a teacher. To provide for her school fees, uniform, school books, bag, and other essentials, she needs your help. Due to a lack of calendar use in her village, Mohini does not know the date of her birth. On her government ID, her birthday has been designated as January 1st.

Thank you for providing Hope, Dignity, and a Future to Mohini!

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