Mansi Ahirwal

ID #: AH0575-GG

10 yrs | Girl | Asha Project

Birthday: December 11, 2013

For only 

$35.00 / month

 you can give this child hope, dignity, and a future.

I've been sponsored!


About Mansi Ahirwal

Mansi lives with her parents and two brothers Karan and Satyam in a small brick and mud house in a rural village in Central India. The climate in this village is hot and humid with a season of monsoon rains in the summer months. The village is located near a river. The family uses wood and cow-pies as fuel to cook their meals. The water well the family uses is about 100 meters from their home.

Mansi helps with household chores such as gathering firewood, making and drying cow pies, and fetching water in buckets from the well for her mom to use in cooking and cleaning. Her father is a laborer, which means each day he goes out looking for manual work to earn an income for his family, while her mother is a homemaker. Mansi wants to become a nurse one day. She enjoys dancing, singing, and reading. She also enjoys playing soccer and carom (an Indian game) with her friends. Her favorite foods are dal (lentils), rice, vegetables, chicken, and chapatti (an Indian flatbread).

Mansi comes from a Christian family. They read the Bible and pray together daily. Mansi needs your help and support to provide for her school fees, uniform, books, school bag, and other needs.

Thank you for helping provide Hope, Dignity, and a Future to Mansi!

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