Oasis of Love children in Special Olympics

We are so excited to share that two of our Oasis of Love girls, Bharti and Nikhad, were selected to join the girl’s Special Olympics State Soccer Team!

Bharat (India) – Special Olympics provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic–type sports for children and adults with disabilities. This gives them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in the sharing of gifts, skills, and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes, and the community.

These girls and our coaches have worked so hard for this! Even though, because of Covid, the training and competitions are done online, Bharti and Nikhad are doing great! As seen in the top right picture, they have daily online instructions and talks with their state coach. In order to have reached this level, they’ve had to pass two preliminary tests, local/district and divisional. We are so proud of them!

In India, disabled children are often looked down on and are seen as a curse by society and their family. We believe they are a blessing and are capable of great things; just like this!

Bharti holds first position in state, and Nikhad holds fifth position in state. After the 20th competition, we will know their position at a national level. So far it is all online. This special Olympic Bharat (India), is preparing them for training future Para Olympians. If the girls are selected, they will go to a special coaching camp in Berlin, Germany. Please keep them in your prayers during these exciting times!